. Text by Iveta Krauja

Have questions – have answers. This time, the answer to this important question was sought at the specialized conference, which took place on November 4, 2022 in Riga, the capital of Latvia, within the framework of the international exhibition Furniture & Design Isle 2022. The packaging conference was held in cooperation with the Latvian Designers’ Society (LDS), which is a member of the World Design Organization (WDO), and the Packaging Association of Latvia (PAL) was the main partner.    

Not only LDS and PAL representatives, but also specialists of the Patent Office of Latvia, Eco-design Competence Center, Zero Waste Latvia organization etc., participated and gave reports at the conference.

During the conference answers to different questions about packaging and its life cycle were sought: Is ecological, environmentally friendly, innovative packaging possible reality or just a fantasy and maybe even a utopia? What can we do to change and improve the current situation?

Iveta Krauja, the Chairman of the Board of PAL, opened the conference with an insight into the global trends of the packaging industry, as well as gave a report on sustainable packaging and participated in an hour-long discussion with other conference speakers. The conference audience consisted of exhibition visitors – designers, students, art and design teachers, etc.

Moreover, at the Design Isle exhibition with 152 participants from 8 countries, PAL’s exposition stood out with packaging works of Latvia, which have received WorldStar for Packaging Excellence awards in WPO competitions since 1998. It was a retrospective exhibition that for the first time jointly demonstrated the high international recognition of packaging of Latvia to a wide audience.